Sunday, November 21, 2010

Mehr Fotos of Europe

Mexican Restaurant in Amsterdam

The Menu at the Mexican Restaurant.  Hum, I wonder what kind of Mexican food?

Germany:  Where is the arrow pointing to????

The most delicious Plum tort I have ever had in Germany!

Crowded but the party has not started.  Everyone is still sober.

These guys were catching up for lost time. 

The Madchen of Oktoberfest...

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Reminiscing about Europe 2010

Some photos of places/things in Amsterdam.

An outdoor Classical Concert in front of a church.  Lots of people just taking it in.

At the top of each building is a pulley which is used to hoist large items to the homes/apts.  Only way to get large furniture up.

Amsterdam canals everywhere.  People live on those house boats.

People eat outdoors when the weather is nice.  This place had fantastic apple pie with fresh cream.

All around Amsterdam you get to see old architecture.  As Huell Hauser says: "It's Amazing!"

Can you believe this? A restaurant seating area over the canal?  Didn't eat there but I'm sure it was good.

Amsterdam is a city in love with bicycles.  Bicycles rule and you can find them everywhere.  While walking around the city you have to made sure you are not on a bike path.  The cyclists will run you over or swear at you in Dutch. 

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Henri's neuer Hut (new Hat)

Great news.  After looking everywhere Henri finally found a replacement hat. Not exactly like the original but close.  He now has the template for making more custom made hats in case he loses another.  Henri has been busy entertaining one of his relatives from Ireland.  I think his relative really likes the USof A.  Although he is here illegally, perhaps the thought that he can bring good luck or work for measly wages, people will be OK that he is here contributing to the economy.  Check out the new hats! His cousin looks like a million bucks...

Stay tuned for more pictures of the Euro Trip