Saturday, October 29, 2011

Adventures in Maui

The weather is nice and Henri is working to blend in to the local scene.

First attempt to pass as a Hawaiian, not working...

Henri hanging out in the Banyan Tree downtown Lahaina.

Ready to Party! Some Pina Colada and a Mai Tai. If you didn't
know, this Gnome can handle quiet a bit of drink.

After a long day, time for a short dip in the pool.  Gnome-tastic!


This year Henri decided to take a short vacation from the hectic pace of Gnome living. 2011 allowed only some mini vacations from all the Gnome work so he decided to go to Maui, Hawaii to relax. Here is a picture of his first day at Maui. He thought it was nice to have such a great Welcome gesture on part of the peoples of Hawaii. Time to play,relax and explore.