Thursday, September 29, 2016

Gdansk, Poland 2016

Last stop on European trip.  Gdansk, Poland

View of Old town Gdansk

Walking along the Royal Way.  Lots of shops, restaurants and museums.

River next to the city

Hanging around one of the old buildings (most building were rebuilt after WWII to look like originals)

Basking in the sun near river.

One of the towers at the end of Royal Way.

Posing next to the city crest.

Neptune fountain.

Another angle of Neptune fountain.  Needed a bit of help to get in picture.

Amber is everywhere in Gdansk.  The sails on this model ship are made of amber.

View of Royal Way from atop the Amber Museum

Got in a bit of a jam.  Torture museum.

In the hotel looking out the window.

Another view of city from hotel window.

Believe it or not this is a front door of a business.  Very intricate carvings.

City hall tour.  One of the majestic fireplaces.

Hanging out with one of the Polish guys

Model of the city hall

Berlin 2016

Berlin visit

Dusseldorf and Bielefeld

On to Dusseldorf and Bielefeld for a quick visit to relatives

Outside the door of men's bathroom.

German's eating at Mexican Restaurant.

Funny name of Mexican Restaurant in Dusseldorf.

At train station

Some kind of ad for a Gay event posted in Bielefeld.

Finally hooked up with relatives.

Relative singing about Henri's visit

Slow poke relative

Visit to local lake, nice.

Bacharach, Germany (Rhine River region)

Traditional building in Bacharach

There is a castle at top of mountain.  It's been repurposed as a Youth Hostel

Nice view of the Rhine

Different view of the Youth Hostel

Mini street in downtown Bacharach

Traveling on the Rhine towards St Goar.  There are lots of castles and towns along the way.

Hanging out in St Goar castle

Just running around checking out the castle nooks and crannies.

Wow, an old stockade

View of Rhine river from atop the castle

From atop castle looking toward town.

After lots of climbing to check out the sights, a short drink of bier.

Luxembourg City visit

Taking in the beautiful city center scenary of Luxembourg

A quasi Mexican restaurant, they also sell Tapas and Argentinian food.

Street view of building in downtown

Looking at  the old town below.  There are remnants of Roman ruins.

Another panoramic view of old town

Groovin on the history.  Didn't find any Luxembourg Gnomes.  Sad.

Took side trip to Trier.  An old Roman outpost.

This is the inside of Porta Nigra.  One of the gates to the walled city of Trier.

Huffed and puffed to the top of Port Nigra just to get good views.