Monday, September 27, 2010

Last night in Guaire, Ireland

Not much happening with Henri as far as the hat issue.  Did some visiting with authentic Irish locals and got to see their new brood.  They are friendly as can be but still can not get used to the Irish dialect.  It just gives me a headache trying to concentrate especially knowing they are speaking english.  I guess they also think we speak with an accent.  Henri did tell me he also made friends with a another guy in Germany but he is just now telling me.  This guy is a mister fix it,  if it is broke (kaput), he can fix it.  This guy is lean and mean; and his mantra is that the customer comes first.  Henri really befriended this guy and promises to visit him again.

They are best of buddies.

Tuesday is on to Dublin, the Irish Capital for some last minute shopping.  Perhaps we can hook up with Bono or Sinead or Dolores, although it would be great to run into Christy Moore.  Who knows what awaits the adventurous travelling Gnome, Henri.   On Wednesday, it is off to the USA and back home for some decompressing.  It has been a fun filled vacation trip seeing friends, family and friends.  It was a LOVELY, GORGEOUS and fun filled time.  However, it will be back to reality and the day to day grind.  Henri has lots of catching up to do with all the Sacramento Gnomes back home.  

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The persistent song

I have to admit that there was one song which has been persistently stuck in my head.  It started in Amsterdam when I saw an advertisement for Salt 'n Pepper doing a show and of course I immediately thought of their big hit.  I am purging it slowly out of my head as the vacation trip comes to a close. 

BTW:  Henri has been in consultation with the Princess of Ireland to see if a replacement hat can be located.  The first suggestion isn't too keen.

A picture of the consultation.

Hat just isn't right....

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Popular song

Check out this song.  I heard it played a lot in Germany and Ireland, too.  Catchy tune...  This will be the song which will be associated with this trip (2010) to Europe. 

Ireland: Land of the Leprechans


Arrived unscathed in the Emerald Isle.  The weather could not be any better, lots of sun and the Irish are running around like it was 100 degrees.  More like upper seventies.  There is some bad news.  Henri lost his hat during transit from Wein to Dublin.  He is devastated about this loss.  His hat had been in the family for hundreds of years, it was passed down over several generations.  Irish officials for Aer Lingus have received Henri's request for assistance.  Although not hopeful of recovering the hat, Irish officials are pretty slow to act on issues, Henri will be looking for a temporary hat.  Meanwhile, the stay in Guaire, County Wexford has been going well.  Henri is looking for his distant cousins (the Leprechans of the O'Sheat family).  The moon is full tonight so  things look promising in locating relatives.

If you never have been to Ireland, rainbows are plentiful and the hills and valleys are every kind of shade of green one can imagine.  Sunday will be spent in Dublin Town checking out an antique fair and who knows what else may happen.  

Above picture of Crown Jewels in Austrian Tresury.

 Came upon a Vietnamese (not Viennese) restaurant.  There are plenty of food eating choices in Vienna.
Hum, must translate this:  Guess it means "day exit and not free stopping"

 A bit of an Irish meal...potatoes are KING.
This isn't a Leprechan.  He is a crazy Irish toddler running around the Hood.  Seems to be wired up, A.D.D.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Germany to Wein

Off to Vienna via train from Munich. It was a five hour trip. Got to see some of the beautiful countryside as the train moved along. Arrived in Vienna at approximately 2 pm. Henri suggested a slow paced afternoon just walking around getting acquainted with the city. It is Old world and new world at the same time. Amazing that some of the architecture and statues throughout the city are so old

Henri got up early for breakfast which is included in the hotel price. Not the kind of breakfast we have in the states. More like bread, meats, cheeses, juice, boiled eggs, yogurts, cereals...looking for the big omlettes or the Denneys big meals, not here. You can probably find such a menu but one would have to look around for it.

Went around town checking out the museums, statues (there's lots of them), some grub and a fantastical tort for desert. Went to the Shoenbrunn Palace a visit not to be missed while in Wein. Getting around town is pretty easy with the mass transit or one can do the hard core walking tour.

Left Wein to Ireland in morning and arrived in Dublin around 3pm. It is about a 3.5 hour flight but once in Ireland had to do the Customs thing. Once arrived in Gorey, County Wexford had the first PINT of Guinness, it was the best. Henri split to seek out his distant cousins, the Irish Leprechans so do not expect to see him for a bit.

View of the Schonbrunn Palace

Henri's meal:  Real Vienna Sausage

One of the many fountains.
Delicious: Ham and cottage cheese sandwich.

View of Vienna from the top of the St. Stephans church dome.  300 plus stairs to get to the top.

Henri posing at Schonbrunn Palace.  It is so massive that a one day trip is not enough.
Another statue in front of a public building.

The architecture throughout town is amazing.

Vienna is all about music and culture.  Did go on a tour of the Opera Haus.

Stopped by a local church.  Henri had to take his cap off in respect.

In memorium monument to the Jewish people who died due to Nazi persecution.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest. Henri managed to get a group of us into the Hofbrau Tent. A wee bit of an incident when he squeezed into a bench area which was being saved by some junge madchen. The bier frau told them they could not save a space so she freed up the space for all of us. The Madchen were pissed, they started chanting some weird German phrase: Schiesse, schiesse, schiesse. We thanked them and proceeded to sit. Did I mention Henri got us into the tent around 9:00 am so we had some waiting to do until the first pour started at NOON. Our table did not get served until 12:25 pm, who was counting? It was a long wait but once the first pours started it was festivus all around. There was bier, hendl, pretzels, drunks, Aussies, music, Aussies, drunks, music, drunks...there were a lot of drunk Aussies doing all kinds of crazy stuff, it was the biggest party on earth. Oh yea, there were a lot of men dressed in dirndl's, don't know what that was all about. The tent was full of all nationalities...and they all got drunk the same way...excessive drinking, belching, puking, and all those fun things. Left the tent around 4:30 pm to walk around the fair grounds. Plenty of trinkets, carnival rides, food and every thing Germania. Got back to the hotel and rendevous'd with Henri. He had ditched us and went to hang out with his peeps. Next morning went to see the Oktoberfest parade (about 2 hours) and then for a walk through the fair grounds with a clearer mind. Those Aussies were still partying. The photos speak for themselves...

Entrance to Oktoberfest

Henri's first biers

People partying


Pic of one of the tents
Another tent

More tent partying
The band playing and dancing

Line for the pisser

Next day parade

Henri the day after

Thursday, September 16, 2010

09/16 - Dusseldorf

Today was a special day for Henri. A side trip to a small village outside of Dusseldorf to visit relatives. First stop was in the forest adjacent to the village. Lots of trees, vogels und hunds, free flowing water in the creek and a surprising find, an old train bridge (113 Jahr). After awhile of looking for his familie all over the forest, the thought crossed his mind that he might find them at work. Sure enough, he found three doing some gardening. Being so exhausted, Henri was offered some home made Plum Tart. Yummy! There was lots of time to catch up on familie matters before going out to dinner. This time it was Italiener essen at CasaLuci and the singing Chef. The day was full of fun and excitement. Henri says he will definitely return to visit these relatives.

No relatives hier...

Neither here...but it is nature at its best.

It was too cold for a short swim.

This rascal was giving Henri the eye.

Old craftmans ship...113 Jahr train bridge.
Only one train allowed to pass and it goes very slow to cross.

The bridge is pretty old so two trains crossing would be a risk.

Finally, familie!

Delicious home made Pflaume tart.

A bit of Italian food and rot wine to end a lovely day.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

9/15 - Amsterdam to Dusseldorf

Today it's off to Dusseldorf, Germany via the ICE bullet train from Amsterdam. The morning was sunny with partly cloudy skies in contrast to yesterday when it was nothing but rain. Left Amsterdam at 10:35 am and arrived in Dusseldorf, Germany at 12:45 pm. Staying at the CVJM downtown or as we refer to it in the states, YMCA. Very nice room at an affordable price. Should mention that the hotel is right next door to a Strip Club...  After settling in, went for a stroll to Konigsallee (Kings Alley) for some pricey window shopping...Armani, Gucci, H&M, Kauf Haus and some shopping at SATURN. Next was a walk to the Alta Stadt, Old City. After an exhausting couple of hours of walking, it was time for dinner. Found a restaurant called "Schweine Janes" and ordered from the lunch menu. Henri had the three meats plate (Pork sausage, roasted pork and grilled pork fillet) with mashed potatoes and saurkraut including a PILS bier. A BIG MEAL at an affordable price, 6,90 Euro. Then back to the hotel and had an almond pastry nightcap, yummy.

Men's Public urinal....

Henri trying out the bed

Alt Stadt staute

Henri's lunch/dinner

9/14 - 4th Day Amsterdam

Today it is raining in Amsterdam. This morning went to visit the Anne Frank Huis, a very moving experience. This is a site to visit. Got all choked up just seeing the visuals and written descriptions about Anne Frank. We can not forget that such an atrocity happened and similar atrocities continue to happen in other countries.  Sorry no pictures of interior as picture taking is prohibited.  You will just have to visit in person.

Due to the damp weather decided to lunch at a large department store, Henri had a Thai chicken sandwich with a side salad and aprikosen tart. Afterwards jumped on a canal boat for a short tour of the city. The boat tour could have been better but with wet weather one has to make the best of it. Went back to the apartment to dry off a bit before going to dinner. Barney's Farm was the place chosen to have dinner. The place was run by Turkish staff, the menu was a melange of ethnic foods and hamburgers made with Irish Beef. The hamburgers won out, they were very tasty. Also had a taste of Genefer, it's sort of like Gin but not Gin and tastes like vodka with an herbal flavor. And let's not forget the ambience: blaring Reggae music and customers smoking Marijuana, very Amsterdamish. You can find places to smoke at almost every corner, nook and cranny. Yes, second hand smoke can affect you!

9/13 - Day three Amsterdam

Van Gough museum visit today. The guy was crazy but Henri thought it was worth the visit to see crazy art. Lunch at an English Restaurant, Henri had the Chicken Saty with french fries. In Europe it is common to have mayonaise with french fries, sounds yucky but sure tastes good. Next, the Heineken Experience (HE) in the afternoon. Had a blast. Met some verruckt German kids who were on vacation. One of them was totally snockered. They all spoke English and German. Henri got a chance to practice some of his German phrases which can not be repeated here. The HE closed at 19:00 hours and by then Henri had a bit too much Heineken but what the heck, that is what a vacation is for. Before going back to the apartment, had dinner at a Pizza joint. Not bad for an Amsterdam pizza, pretty good eats for Italian transplants living in Holland.

This is a picture of one of the canals with a restaurant seating area over the canal.