Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest, Oktoberfest. Henri managed to get a group of us into the Hofbrau Tent. A wee bit of an incident when he squeezed into a bench area which was being saved by some junge madchen. The bier frau told them they could not save a space so she freed up the space for all of us. The Madchen were pissed, they started chanting some weird German phrase: Schiesse, schiesse, schiesse. We thanked them and proceeded to sit. Did I mention Henri got us into the tent around 9:00 am so we had some waiting to do until the first pour started at NOON. Our table did not get served until 12:25 pm, who was counting? It was a long wait but once the first pours started it was festivus all around. There was bier, hendl, pretzels, drunks, Aussies, music, Aussies, drunks, music, drunks...there were a lot of drunk Aussies doing all kinds of crazy stuff, it was the biggest party on earth. Oh yea, there were a lot of men dressed in dirndl's, don't know what that was all about. The tent was full of all nationalities...and they all got drunk the same way...excessive drinking, belching, puking, and all those fun things. Left the tent around 4:30 pm to walk around the fair grounds. Plenty of trinkets, carnival rides, food and every thing Germania. Got back to the hotel and rendevous'd with Henri. He had ditched us and went to hang out with his peeps. Next morning went to see the Oktoberfest parade (about 2 hours) and then for a walk through the fair grounds with a clearer mind. Those Aussies were still partying. The photos speak for themselves...

Entrance to Oktoberfest

Henri's first biers

People partying


Pic of one of the tents
Another tent

More tent partying
The band playing and dancing

Line for the pisser

Next day parade

Henri the day after

1 comment:

  1. i was just talking to some friends last night about doing Oktoberfest next year...
