Thursday, September 16, 2010

09/16 - Dusseldorf

Today was a special day for Henri. A side trip to a small village outside of Dusseldorf to visit relatives. First stop was in the forest adjacent to the village. Lots of trees, vogels und hunds, free flowing water in the creek and a surprising find, an old train bridge (113 Jahr). After awhile of looking for his familie all over the forest, the thought crossed his mind that he might find them at work. Sure enough, he found three doing some gardening. Being so exhausted, Henri was offered some home made Plum Tart. Yummy! There was lots of time to catch up on familie matters before going out to dinner. This time it was Italiener essen at CasaLuci and the singing Chef. The day was full of fun and excitement. Henri says he will definitely return to visit these relatives.

No relatives hier...

Neither here...but it is nature at its best.

It was too cold for a short swim.

This rascal was giving Henri the eye.

Old craftmans ship...113 Jahr train bridge.
Only one train allowed to pass and it goes very slow to cross.

The bridge is pretty old so two trains crossing would be a risk.

Finally, familie!

Delicious home made Pflaume tart.

A bit of Italian food and rot wine to end a lovely day.

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